Creative Hands Foundation (CHF) is a registered charity set up in Rusholme by Sculptor/ Public Artist, Joseph Ayavoro and Textile Designer, Michelle Ayavoro in March 2008.  They identified a lack of facilities and activities available for local people, especially in the arts.  They saw the potential of using art as a tool to engage with hard to reach groups and enabling interaction with isolated communities in Rusholme and neighbouring wards.  Between them they have a wealth of over 20 years’ experience devising and delivering art workshops with different community groups

In November 2011, they formed a partnership with Trinity House Community Resource Centre to enhance services and use of the Centre.

Creative Hands Foundation (CHF) vision is to provide opportunities for all marginalised deprived communities to take part in arts and crafts activities and achieve their full potential.

Creative Hands Foundation (CHF) uses visual arts and crafts as a tool to improve the well-being of young people and adults in Manchester and enhance their personal development.

Creative Hands Foundation (CHF) identifies 3 values that underpins its work.  Creative, Community and Culture

CREATIVE: We create a space for people to learn new skills, explore new art materials and techniques and express their individuality through arts and crafts activities with our team of professional artists and facilitators.  We recognise that each individual has a unique ability to contribute, which we must nurture.

COMMUNITY: We believe in the value of cultural exchange between people from different communities.  The diversity of people’s backgrounds and circumstances are appreciated and positively valued.  We work with our partners to develop strong and positive relationships between people providing support and innovative activities to enable people to strive for their full potential.

CULTURE: Our activities engage people from all cultural backgrounds and provide opportunities to share their indigenous creative skills, knowledge, experiences, history and talents.

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